

    25000-2 214341


    Aún no tenemos datos de este producto.


    Here you will find the products that are compatible with this replacement

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    WC Magnet, Recessed Single-Lever Mixer for WC with Dual Safety Shut-Off, Brushed Gold

    99F305568 336801SOC

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    High swivel apout sink mixer

    38E301556 3886

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    WC Magnet, Recessed Single-Lever Mixer for WC with Dual Safety Shut-Off, Matte Black

    99F305561 336801SNM

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Kuatro NK

    Sink mixer Porfessional Kitchen

    223377 4966

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    Single lever WC magnet with double closing safety lock without accesories.

    99F302573 756801S

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    WC Magnet, Recessed Single-Lever Mixer for WC with Dual Safety Shut-Off and Metal Hand Shower, Brushed Nickel

    99F305571 336801WCNC

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Kuatro NK

    Bidet mixer

    223305 4903

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    Kuatro, washbasin or sink mixer L with swivel spout, chromed

    222270 4729

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    Kuatro NK

    Wash basin with high spout Kuatro

    223215 4921

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    Kuatro NK

    Sink mixer with swivel spout

    223359 4929

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    Kuatro, single lever washbasin mixer with swivel spout, chromed

    222297 4721

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    WC Magnet, Recessed Single-Lever Mixer for WC with Dual Safety Shut-Off and Metal Hand Shower, Brushed Gold

    99F305569 336801WCOC

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Single lever WC magnet with double closing safety lock without accesories.

    99F302575 336801S

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Kuatro, single lever bidet mixer chromed

    212010 4703

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    Kuatro, single lever washbasin mixer with cascade spout, chromed

    229497 4731

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    Kuatro NK

    Wash Basin mixer high Kuatro (long spout 200 mm)

    240135 4910

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    Kuatro NK

    Mitigeur lavabo. Hauteur 160 mm, hauteur sous bec 110 mm, saillie 140 mm

    240117 4902

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    Urban chic

    Bidet Mixer

    21B302401 210301

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Urban chic

    Waterfall wash basin Mixer

    21A302399 213101

    Cromo Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Kuatro, single lever washbasin L mixer chromed

    241179 4710N

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    Kuatro, single lever washbasin mixer chromed

    241152 4702

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    Washbasin mixer

    251574 7501

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    Bidet Mixer

    251601 7503

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    Kuatro NK

    Wash basin mixer with cascade stream. Flow limited 4 l/min.

    229506 4931

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    Urban chic

    Wash basin Mixer (XL)

    21A302397 211001

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Mitigeur lavabo haut. Hauteur 300mm, hauteur sous bec 205mm, saillie 180mm,

    251583 7510

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    Urban chic

    Wash basin Mixer (M)

    21A302396 210101

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Single lever WC magnet with double closing safety lock and shower

    99F302574 756801WC

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    WC Magnet, Recessed Single-Lever Mixer for WC with Dual Safety Shut-Off, Brushed Nickel

    99F305570 336801SNC

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    WC Magnet, Recessed Single-Lever Mixer for WC with Dual Safety Shut-Off and Metal Hand Shower, Matte Black

    99F305564 336801WCNM

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Single lever WC magnet with double closing safety lock and shower

    99F302081 336801WC

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Urban chic

    Urban Chic, single-handle basin faucet with waterfall spout, limited flow, brushed nickel.

    21A303166 210101NC

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Urban chic

    Urban Chic, single-handle basin faucet with waterfall spout, limited flow, matte black.

    21A303167 210101NM

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Urban chic

    Urban Chic, single-handle basin faucet with waterfall spout, limited flow, brushed gold.

    21A303168 210101OC

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Urban chic

    Urban Chic, XL single-handle basin faucet with waterfall spout, limited flow, matte black.

    21A303607 211001NM

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Urban chic

    Urban Chic, XL single-handle basin faucet with waterfall spout, limited flow, brushed gold.

    21A303626 211001OC

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Urban chic

    Urban Chic, XL single-handle basin faucet with waterfall spout, limited flow, brushed nickel.

    21A303627 211001NC

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Urban chic

    Urban Chic, single-lever sink faucet with an open spout that showcases the water in a cascading flow. High-resistance brushed gold finish with PVD treatment.

    21A303628 213101OC

    Cromo Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Urban chic

    Urban Chic, single-handle sink faucet with an open spout and waterfall flow. High-resistance brushed nickel finish with PVD treatment.

    21A303629 213101NC

    Cromo Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Urban chic

    Urban Chic, single-handle bidet faucet with waterfall spout, limited flow, matte black.

    21B303618 210301NM

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Urban chic

    Urban Chic, single-handle bidet faucet with waterfall spout, limited flow, brushed gold.

    21B303630 210301OC

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Urban chic

    Urban Chic, single-handle bidet faucet with waterfall spout, limited flow, brushed nickel.

    21B303632 210301NC

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado Oro Cepillado
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    Cylindrical sink mixer with flexible spout and osmosis, chrome

    38E306084 898801MC

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado
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    Cylindrical sink mixer with flexible spout and osmosis, black matte

    38E306085 898801MCNM

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado
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    Cylindrical sink mixer with flexible spout and osmosis, brushed nickel

    38E306086 898801MCNC

    Cromo Negro Mate Niquel Cepillado
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    Prisma, single-lever bidet mixer, chrome

    42B309572 420301

    Cromo Negro Mate Oro Cepillado Grafito
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    Prisma, XL basin single-lever mixer, chrome

    42A309571 420201

    Cromo Negro Mate Oro Cepillado Grafito
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    Prisma, basin single-lever mixer, chrome

    42A309570 420401

    Cromo Negro Mate Oro Cepillado Grafito
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    Prisma, single-lever bidet mixer, graphite

    42B309640 420301GR

    Cromo Negro Mate Oro Cepillado Grafito
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    Prisma, single-lever bidet mixer, brushed gold

    42B309617 420301OC

    Cromo Negro Mate Oro Cepillado Grafito
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    Prisma, single-lever bidet mixer, matte black

    42B309595 420301NM

    Cromo Negro Mate Oro Cepillado Grafito
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    Prisma, XL basin single-lever mixer, graphite

    42A309639 420201GR

    Cromo Negro Mate Oro Cepillado Grafito
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    Prisma, XL basin single-lever mixer, brushed gold

    42A309615 420201OC

    Cromo Negro Mate Oro Cepillado Grafito
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    Prisma, XL basin single-lever mixer, matte black

    42A309594 420201NM

    Cromo Negro Mate Oro Cepillado Grafito
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    Prisma, basin single-lever mixer, graphite

    42A309638 420401GR

    Cromo Negro Mate Oro Cepillado Grafito
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    Prisma, basin single-lever mixer, brushed gold

    42A309614 420401OC

    Cromo Negro Mate Oro Cepillado Grafito
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    Prisma, basin single-lever mixer, matte black

    42A309585 420401NM

    Cromo Negro Mate Oro Cepillado Grafito
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    222324 4766

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    WC Magnet, monomando empotrado de WC con cierre doble cierre de seguridad sin accesorios, grafito

    99F309957 336801SGR

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    WC Magnet, monomando empotrado de WC con cierre doble cierre de seguridad sin accesorios, cobre cepillado

    99F309956 336801SCUC

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    WC Magnet, conjunto de duchita para WC de una agua, grafito

    99F309965 336801WCGR

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    WC Magnet, conjunto de duchita para WC de una agua, cobre cepillado

    99F309964 336801WCCUC

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