Responsible brand

    Sustainability is present in everything we do.

    Our responsibility to the environment, society, and economy guide our path.

    At ramonsoler, we have joined the UN Global Compact and signed the Diversity Charter. All our operations are aligned with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

    We invite you to learn about the actions we are taking for sustainability, aligning with international standards and promoting a more responsible future.

    Download our sustainability report

    ramonsoler and the Sustainable Development Goals

    Our sustainability actions in different areas based on the ODS

    Sustainable Building

    For a more sustainable model in the building sector

    At Industrias Ramon Soler, we are committed to sustainability by following the standards of the Green Building Council Spain (GBCe), a leader in the transformation towards a sustainable model in the building sector and part of an international network in over 70 countries.

    The VERDE, LEED, and BREEAM certifications evaluate key elements of buildings, such as faucets, to ensure their sustainability. Our products meet the necessary requirements for these certifications.

    Furthermore, we have already registered our products on the GBCe Materials Platform - Sanitary and Plumbing, reaffirming our commitment to more responsible and efficient buildings.

    Sustainable Purchasing

    Commitment to a responsible supply chain

    Sustainable purchasing integrates environmental, social, and economic criteria to reduce environmental impact, support fair practices, and promote efficiency in the supply chain.

    At ramonsoler, we have taken a step forward to strengthen sustainability in our supply chain by implementing key measures:

    ● CSR Clauses: we include specifications on corporate social responsibility in purchasing conditions for suppliers. ● Sustainable Purchasing Policy: we have developed a framework that defines objectives and commitments to promote responsible practices. ● CSR Charter: we have communicated our CSR charter to the entire supply chain to align our suppliers with our goals and commitments.

    Circular Economy

    Advocating for the circular economy and sustainable consumption

    At ramonsoler, we are committed to the circular economy, extending our commitment beyond production to cover the entire life cycle of our products.

    ● Product reuse: we focus on recovering products to reintroduce them into our production line.
    ● Electronic waste identification: our electronic products include symbols that facilitate proper management at the end of their life cycle.
    ● Recyclable packaging: we incorporate recycling symbols and the TRIMAN logo to identify recyclable materials and their selective collection.

    On our website, we offer tools like our savings calculator and information on products that promote water and energy savings.


    Emission reductions and Carbon Footprinting

    We have as part of our sustainable development goals to become CO₂ neutral by 2050. To achieve this we have set out the following actions:

    ● Scope 1: Vehicle emissions and heating. Adoption of hybrid or electric vehicles.
    ● Scope 2: Electric power. Procurement of energy from renewable sources.

    We have received the carbon footprint label awarded by the Ministry for Ecological Transition. This recognition reflects our commitment to sustainability and our dedication to reducing the environmental impact of our activities.

    Waste Management

    Reduction of emissions and Carbon Footprint

    As part of our sustainable development goals, we aim to be carbon neutral by 2050. To achieve this, we have established the following actions:

    ● Scope 1: Vehicle and heating emissions. Adoption of hybrid or electric vehicles.
    ● Scope 2: Electricity. Sourcing energy from renewable sources.

    We are currently in the process of calculating our Scope 3 emissions. Soon, our products will include their specific carbon footprint.

    Our Waters

    Commitment to water saving

    At ramonsoler, we understand the importance of water as a scarce resource and manage its consumption responsibly through various measures.

    Water-saving systems in products:

    ● Taps with hard point: two opening positions to limit flow to 50%.
    ● Aerators: mix water with air, reducing flow by half without affecting pressure.
    ● Electronic taps: automatic activation to prevent wastage from neglect.
    ● Timed taps: regulate usage time, achieving up to 70% savings.
    ● Thermostatic taps and showers: quickly adjust to the desired temperature, saving up to 50% of water in the shower.
    ● Non-return valves and limiting gaskets: reduce flow in showers by up to 80%.

    Energy Efficiency

    Efforts for energy saving and a better future

    We implement innovative measures to reduce our energy consumption and promote more efficient use:

    Optimization of lighting and air conditioning

    ● LED lighting in all production areas for lower consumption.
    ● Automatic light sensors to avoid unnecessary lighting.
    ● Scheduled heating, which automatically turns off at the end of the day.

    Integration of solar energy:

    We have installed 256 solar panels, reducing electricity consumption by 50% over the past three years, producing up to 43% of the annual energy consumed.

    Sustainable taps

    Our philosophy is to achieve the most environmentally friendly manufacturing and distribution possible

    C2/S2 system

    C2/S2 Water and Energy Saving System by ramonsoler®

    C3/S3 system

    C3/S3 Water and Energy Saving System by ramonsoler®

    Sustainable taps

    Committed to saving water and the environment

    Ecological awareness

    We follow ecological criteria for eco-efficient production, optimising resources in terms of the materials and energy required for production.

    Find out more

    Save water with our taps

    All of our taps are eco-efficient and help to save energy and reduce water consumption by 50%.

    Double energy and flow saving system

    Allows cold opening, saving on energy consumption and also preventing unnecessary water consumption in bathrooms and kitchens.

    Environmental certifications

    We have certifications that guarantee on a global scale that our taps are environmentally friendly, such as BREEAM.

    Saber más

    How Much Can You Reduce Your Resource Consumption?

    Calculate Your Savings Online

    Water and Energy Savings in Your Home

    Water and most energy sources are scarce and limited resources. Responsible use and total comfort are possible with our faucets because we promote sustainability in every design. We incorporate technologies that reduce resource consumption, benefiting both the user and the planet in the medium and long term.

    How much can you reduce resource consumption in your daily life?

    Fill in your data in the savings calculator and discover how much you will save in your home with the water and energy-saving systems S2 and S3 from our faucets.

    Number of People per Household
    Average Showers per Person per Week
    Average Weekly Shower Time per Person
    Average Weekly Sink Use per Person
    minutes (standard)
    Cost of Water per m3 (Average Statistical Value)
    €/m3 (estándar)
    Cost of Energy per KWh (Average Annual Statistical Value)
    €/kWh (standard)
    Cost of Cold Water
    Cost of Energy per Liter of Hot Water
    Cost of Cold Water + Cost of Hot Water
    Total Annual Savings with C2/S2 System 0,00 €
    Total Annual Savings with C2/S2 and C3/S3 Systems 0,00 €

    How much can you save on supplies?

    Our taps save water and energy


    Single-handle taps

    In a wide variety of models with different styles and price segments, a technology is integrated that allows the water consumption to be reduced by 50%, while ensuring a water output of maximum comfort.

    See all products


    Thermostatic taps

    They achieve the perfect temperature in a fraction of a second and also maintain the same temperature throughout the shower. They are equipped with a flow limiter (that can achieve a water saving of up to 50%) and a temperature limiter button (energy saving).

    See all products


    Electronic taps

    Opening and closing of the flow using presence detectors, which results in a significant reduction in consumption, reaching a water saving of up to 70%. In addition, its maximum temperature can be set (up to 60ºC), which also saves energy. The electronic tap includes an anti-vandal function with a security system, so that if the solenoid valve blocks, the tap closes after 90 seconds, avoiding unnecessary water waste.

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    Timed taps

    Featuring the Quick Set-Up system. A mechanism that allows you to control the closing time, and therefore, the water supply, enabling a saving of up to 70% and guaranteeing a long life of the taps in conditions of heavy use. Intended for community facilities or public premises where high levels of savings are required.

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    Environmental certifications

    We have certifications that guarantee on a global scale the technology that we develop to create ecological taps

    Unified Water Label is the most widely used Belgian environmental classification certificate in Europe, which clearly indicates the maximum water volume of the tap, and whether the product has been installed correctly and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

    This certificate gives the client the security that the product complies with the ecological water saving standards, which also allow the user to save energy and money.

    Our taps certified according to Water Label achieve the green marking label, thanks to the systems that provide the lowest flow rate without loss of comfort. Regarding ecological labelling, we also have labels from other countries such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia, who have also established their own requirements.

    The European Water Label System provides general access to a catalogue of bathroom products that include the Water Label certificate.

    Here you can consult the ramonsoler products that have this certification.

    The Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology (BREEAM) is an environmental certification for buildings that follow the UK assessment method. This is the most technically advanced and world-leading building method, and is increasingly in demand due to the growing global development of sustainable buildings.

    BREEAM assesses buildings based on their typology and use in different categories, such as Management, Health and Well-being, Energy, Transport, Water, Materials, Waste, Ecological land use, Pollution and Innovation.

    Our taps make BREEAM certification possible in sustainable buildings, thanks to their water and energy saving systems and flow limiters. In addition, our R&D&i team provides the necessary technical advice in order to comply with the requirements of this and other environmental certifications such as LEED.

    Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a green building rating system that provides builders and owners with the means to assess the performance of buildings to improve the health of interiors, ensuring that they are ecological, healthy, highly efficient and cost-saving.

    This certificate integrates the life cycle of a building, from the selection of construction materials to the resulting environment of the building. Buildings obtain points based on a series of requirements, and depending on the points contained in the project, one type of sustainable certification or another is awarded. By fitting ramonsoler taps in your buildings, you can achieve between 6 and 12 points in the water and energy saving category, thanks to their eco-efficient features such as the S2 and S3 water and/or energy saving systems.

    EcoVadis, la principal plataforma global de calificación en sostenibilidad, ha otorgado la medalla de plata a ramonsoler en 2024. Este reconocimiento destaca el firme compromiso de la empresa con prácticas responsables y sostenibles.

    Con esta distinción, ramonsoler se sitúa en el Top 15% de las empresas mejor valoradas por EcoVadis, reafirmando su dedicación a impulsar iniciativas que favorecen tanto al medioambiente como a la sociedad.