Kataloge und Anleitungen zu unseren Kollektionen zum Herunterladen

    Damit die Installation kein Problem ist, stellen wir Ihnen die Handbücher unserer Produkte zur Verfügung.

    Anleitungen für unsere Produkte

    Damit die Installation kein Hindernis darstellt, bieten wir Ihnen die Anleitungen für unsere Produkte.

    Videos über Ramonsoler-Produkte

    Die neuesten Armaturen, Kollektionen, Anleitungen und Tipps.

    Ramon Soler® | Von Barcelona in die ganze Welt

    Entdecken Sie, wer wir sind, was wir tun und wie wir es von unserem Hauptsitz in Barcelona aus in die ganze Welt tun.

    Brand Stories: Once upon a time...Ramon Soler® | OCTOBER

    Delve into the history of Ramon Soler®, faucet creators since 1890, told by Jordi Soler Fornt (CEO), at the company's Flagship Store in Barcelona.

    Ramon Soler®'s Flagship Store in Barcelona

    Report made by Thereports.tv about the Ramon Soler's Flagship Store in Barcelona and the recent IF DESIGN AWARD 2020 for the Urban Chic collection.

    Wie installiere ich einen zeitgesteuerten Wasserhahn? Regulierung von Zeit und Fluss. | alleinige Haltestelle

    Installationsvideo-Tutorial für das QUICK SET-UP-System und 4 SAVING POSITIONS, ein Durchfluss- und Zeitoptimierungssystem, das um bis zu 85 % reduziert werden kann.

    Wie installiere ich einen eingebauten Mixer?

    Visuelle Installationsanleitung für einen Einhebel-Einbaumischer mit exklusivem ästhetischem Design, einer 2 mm dicken Platte und ohne sichtbare Befestigung.

    Wie installiere ich eine 1-Wege-Verlängerung für einen eingebauten Mixer?

    Die visuelle Bedienungsanleitung zur optimalen Installation unserer Einbau-Einhebelmischer, mit 1-, 2- und 3-Wege-Verlängerungen.

    How to install a single lever concealed 2 and 3 ways extension kit?

    Die visuelle Bedienungsanleitung zur optimalen Installation unserer Einbau-Einhebelmischer, mit 2-Wege- und 3-Wege-Verlängerung.

    Wie installiere ich einen eingebauten Thermostat?

    Visuelle Installationsanleitung für einen Thermostat-Einbaumischer mit exklusivem ästhetischem Design, einer 2 mm dicken Platte und ohne sichtbare Befestigung.

    Wie installiere ich eine 1- und 2-Wege-Verlängerung für eingebaute Thermostate?

    Die visuelle Anleitung zur optimalen Installation unserer Einbau-Thermostate mit Erweiterung auf bis zu zwei Möglichkeiten.

    Wie kann man die maximale Temperatur einer Mischbatterie begrenzen?

    System, das die Höchsttemperatur des Warmwassers begrenzt und so die Gefahr von Verbrennungen sowie übermäßigen Warmwasserverbrauch vermeidet.

    How to install a bathroom faucet?"

    Video-Tutorial zur Installation einer Einhebel-Waschtischarmatur, damit der Vorgang reibungslos verläuft und das Ergebnis wirklich makellos ist.

    So installieren Sie eine Duschsäule ohne Wechselrichter und feste Säule.

    Video-Tutorial zur Installation einer Duscharmatur ohne manuellen Umsteller, egal ob fest oder teleskopisch.

    So installieren Sie eine Duschsäule ohne Wechselrichter und Teleskopsäule.

    Video-Tutorial zur Installation einer Duscharmatur ohne manuellen Umsteller in Teleskop-Ausführung.

    So installieren Sie eine Duschsäule mit Wechselrichter und fester Säule

    Installation von Einhebel-Duschsäulen mit Umstellung und fester Stange, um ein komplettes Badezimmer mit zwei verschiedenen Strahlarten, Kopfbrause und Handbrause zu genießen.

    So installieren Sie eine Duschsäule mit Wechselrichter und Teleskopsäule

    Installation von Einhebel-Duschsäulen mit Umsteller und Teleskopstange, um ein komplettes Badezimmer mit zwei unterschiedlichen Strahlwegen, Kopfbrause und Handbrause zu genießen.

    So installieren Sie eine Säule für eine Badewanne mit Dusche

    Installation von Badezimmer-Duscharmaturen, eine Komplettlösung, die es uns ermöglicht, eine Badewanne auszustatten und den Duschkopf und die Handbrause zu behalten.

    Urban Chic von Ramon Soler® IF DESIGN AWARD 2020

    Eine Kollektion, die unsere menschlichsten Wünsche, die Natur zu genießen, mit unserem urbanen Lebensraum verbindet.

    Wc Magnet by Ramon Soler®

    Komfort und Sicherheit im WC mit dieser intelligenten Innovation, einem Einhebelmischer mit doppeltem Absperrventil dank patentiertem Magnetsystem.

    Ramon Soler® C2/S2 Wassersparsystem

    Wasser sparen ist mit unseren Wasserhähnen und ihrem gestaffelten Öffnungssystem oder in zwei Phasen C2/S2 möglich.

    C2/23 Energy and Water Saving System by Ramon Soler®

    Wir sparen nicht nur Wasser, sondern kümmern uns auch um den Energieverbrauch mit unserem C3/S3-Kaltöffnungssystem, der Kombination beider Ressourcen in einem System.

    Die neuesten Küchenarmaturen, Magnet Collection von Ramon Soler®

    Trends in der Küche zu setzen, ist mit der Armatur mit ihrer avantgardistischen Ästhetik, den reinen Linien und organischen Formen möglich, die in ein Satin-Kupfer-Finish gekleidet sind, das nicht unbemerkt bleibt.

    Werkzeugfreie Wasserhähne aus Titan | Schnelle und einfache Installation ohne Werkzeug

    Die funktionale Minimalismus-Kollektion präsentiert 2022 eine Änderung im Design ihrer Waschtischarmatur und Verbesserungen im Befestigungssystem.

    Adagio by Ramon Soler®

    Design between art and science. A combination of geometric shapes that have a mathematical order, limited by straight lines and curves, with organic shapes.

    Wartungshinweise für unsere Wasserhähne

    Tipps zur Pflege Ihrer Wasserhähne, die Ihnen helfen, sie stets im besten Zustand zu halten.

    Verwenden Sie PH-neutrale Seife.

    Nach Benutzung des Wasserhahns mit einem weichen Tuch abwischen, um Kalkablagerungen zu vermeiden.

    Mit ausreichend Wasser abspülen, um alle Reinigungsmittelreste zu entfernen.

    Trocknen Sie den Wasserhahn mit einem weichen Tuch.

    Für die ordnungsgemäße Wartung von Sprinklern und Handbrausen ist es wichtig, die Silikondüsen regelmäßig zu reinigen, indem Sie mit den Fingern über die Düsen streichen, damit sich Kalkablagerungen lösen.

    Ramon Soler übernimmt keine Garantie, wenn Sie diese Reinigungs- und Wartungsempfehlungen nicht befolgen.

    Verwenden Sie keine Reinigungsmittel, die Säuren (Salz-, Ameisen-, Phosphor- oder Essigsäure), Alkohol, Antikalk oder ähnliches enthalten.

    Mischen Sie nicht verschiedene Reinigungsmittel.

    Benutzen Sie keine Verdampfer.

    Verwenden Sie keine scheuernden Produkte wie Schwämme.

    Verwenden Sie das Reinigungsmittel nicht direkt auf dem Wasserhahn, sondern mit einem weichen Tuch.

    Wir klären die häufigsten Fragen

    Installations-, Reinigungs- und Wartungstipps und mehr!

    Single lever

    Two handle mixer




    Electronic / Contactless



    Spare parts

    The nut is loose / Solution: tighten the nut on your single lever
    The cartridge is broken down / Solution: Change the cartridge

    Single lever with aerator

    -The aerator is clogged / Solution: Change or clean the aerator.

    -The flexible hose is clogged or crooked / Solution: Change or clean the flexible hose.

    -Cast iron defect (only in the case of newly installed taps) / Contact technical service, the tap must be replaced.

    o Single lever with waterfall output.

    - The flexible hose is clogged or crooked / Solution: Change or clean the flexible hose
    Filters are clogged / Solution: Change or clean filters with vinegar.

    -The flow limiter is clogged / Solution: Change or clean the flow limiter.

    -Cast iron defect (only in the case of newly installed taps) / Contact technical service, the tap must be replaced.

    The nut is loose / Solution: Tighten the nut on your single lever
    The cartridge is damaged / Solution: Change the cartridge

    The rubber seals are broken / Solution: Replace the rubber seals

    The hose is broken / Solution: Change the hose

    Answer 5 monomando

    The boiler does not have enough power / Solution: Install a shower handle with less flow or insert a flow limiting seal.

    Single lever wall mounted

    -The pressure is insufficient / Solution: check the installation and increase the pressure to 1 bar, Otherwise it is possible to pull and turn the diverter half turn to lock position.

    Single lever concealed

    - The pressure is insufficient / Solution: check the installation and increase the pressure to 1 bar.

    - The shaft is dirty / Solution: disassemble the diverter, clean and grease the shaft.

    - Spring has lost load / Solution: disassemble the diverter. If it does not maintain shower position, stretch the large spring 2—3 mm.

    The diverter has dirt particles or is broken / Solution: disassemble the diverter and clean the rubber seals or replace the diverter.

    The rubber seal is deformed / Solution: Loosen the handle and reposition the rubber seal or replace it with a new one. If that doesn't work, try putting two of it.

    It drips constantly (more than an hour). It may happen that:

    -The nut is loose / Solution: tighten the nut on your single lever

    -The cartridge is damaged / Solution: Change the cartridge

    It drips a few minutes

    -The capillary of the nozzles is dirty with adhering lime. (It is not a breakdown) it is water accumulated in the showerhead. / Solution: Clean the showerhead nozzles. If you want, you can slightly tilt the showerhead to facilitate faster drainage.

    It drips constantly (more than an hour). It may happen that:

    -The nut is loose / Solution: tighten the nut on your single lever

    -The cartridge is damaged / Solution: Change the cartridge
    o it drips a few minutes

    o The capillary of the nozzles is dirty with adhering lime. (It is not a breakdown, it is accumulated water .) / Solution: Clean the nozzles. If you want, you can slightly tilt the handle to facilitate faster drainage.

    Ceramic frame is damaged / Solution: Change or clean the ceramic frame. (To identify a damaged frame, close one of the cold or hot water intakes and if it stops dripping, identify the frame)

    Conventional frame damaged / Solution: Clean tap seat or replace frame. (To identify a damaged frame, close one of the hot or cold water intakes and if it stops dripping, identify the frame)

    The aerator is clogged / Solution: Change or clean the aerator.

    The flexible hose is clogged or crooked / Solution: Change or clean the flexible hose.

    Cast iron defect (only in the case of a newly installed tap) / Contact technical service, the tap must be replaced.

    The frame is loose / Solution: Tighten the frame .

    The frame is broken / Solution: Change the frame

    The rubber seals are broken / Solution: Replace the seals.

    The hose is broken / Solution: Change the hose

    The hose is loose / Solution: Tighten the hose

    Damaged hose / Solution: Change the hose (Evaluate if the spout has been deformed, in that case, change the spout as well)

    The boiler does not have enough power / Solution: Install a showerhead with less flow or insert a flow limiting seal.

    Single lever wall mounted:

    - The pressure is insufficient / Solution: check the installation and increase the pressure to 1 bar, otherwise it is possible to pull and turn the diverter half turn to lock position.

    o Single lever concealed:

    - The pressure is insufficient / Solution: check the installation and increase the pressure to 1 bar.
    - The shaft is dirty / Solution: disassemble the diverter, clean and grease the shaft.

    - Spring has lost load / Solution: disassemble the diverter, if it does not maintain shower position, stretch the large spring 2—3 mm.

    The diverter has dirt particles or is broken / Solution: disassemble the diverter and clean the rubber seals or replace the diverter.

    The rubber seal is deformed / Solution: Loosen the handle and reposition the rubber seal or replace it with a new one. If that doesn't work, try putting two of it.

    It drips constantly (more than an hour). It may happen that:

    - Frame damaged / Solution: Change or clean the frame.

    It drips a few minutes

    -The capillary of the nozzles is dirty with adhering lime. (It is not a breakdown, it is water accumulated in the showerhead ) / Solution: Clean the showerhead nozzles. If you want, you can slightly tilt the showerhead to facilitate faster drainage.

    It drips constantly (more than an hour). It may happen that:

    - Frame damaged / Solution: Change or clean the frame.

    It drips a few minutes

    - The capillary of the nozzles is dirty with adhering lime. (It is not a breakdown, it is accumulated water that comes out.) / Solution: Clean the nozzles. If you want, you can slightly tilt the handle to facilitate faster drainage.

    The nut is loose / Solution: tighten the nut on your single lever.

    The closing mechanism is broken down/ Solution: Change the mechanism (cartridge /frame)

    The filters are clogged/ Solution: Clean the filters with vinegar.

    Cast iron defect (only in the case of a newly installed tap) / Contact technical service, the tap must be replaced.

    Lack of pressure in the installation or decompensated pressure. / Solution: Check that the pressure is between 1-5 bar (Recommended pressure 3 bar) and compensated.

    Handle flow/diverter -The mechanism is broken down / Solution: Change or clean the mechanism.

    Handle flow/diverter nut is loose. / Solution: tighten the nut on your ceramic diverter or ceramic frame.

    Temperature handle The thermostatic cartridge is broken down / Solution: Clean or change the rubber seal.

    Change the thermostatic cartridge, clean and rinse the internal surface of the tap, and grease the seal

    The hot and cold water inlets are reversed / Solution: Verify in the installation that the hot water enters from the left of the thermostatic, if not, you must contact the installer.

    The thermostatic tap has not been assembled backwards. (The hot water intake is marked) / Solution: Turn on the tap or check if there is an alternative available.

    The thermostatic cartridge has stopped regulating due to disuse, impurities or lime build-up. / Solution: Disassemble and clean the cartridge. If it is not possible to recover, change the cartridge.

    Dirt in filters / Solution: Clean the filters located in the water inlets.

    Cold water dominates hot water. / Solution: Check in the intakes that the pressure is between 1 - 5 bar (Recommended pressure 3 bar) and compensated.

    The hot water temperature is very high. / Solution: Set the maximum temperature of the hot water in the boiler between 50º -60ºC

    Dirt in filters / Solution: Clean the filters located in the water inlets

    The water service conditions have been modified ( pressure and / or temperature). Solution: Adjust the comfort temperature again, according to the instructions for adjusting the cartridge

    The thermostatic cartridge is blocked. / Solution: disassemble and clean the cartridge. If it is not possible to recover, change the cartridge.

    The temperature limiter ring has been moved of its place. / Solution: disassemble the cross head and the ring. If it is broken replace the ring.

    Cold water dominates hot water. / Solution: Check in the intakes that the pressure is between 1 - 5 bar (Recommended pressure 3 bar)

    The boiler is regulated for a water demand greater than the flow required by the shower handle. / Solution: Adjust the boiler.

    The boiler does not have enough power (See requirements in the instructions). Check: lower the flow rate to 50% or less and wait a few minutes. / Solution: Adapt the installation. As an alternative you can improve the functionality if you install a showerhead with less flow or insert a flow limiting seal

    The cold water non-return valve (right side) is blocked. / Solution: Disassemble the non-return valves for cleaning. Replace if necessary.

    The hot water non-return valve (left side) is blocked. / Solution: Remove the non-return valves for cleaning. Replace if necessary.

    Blocked non-return valve / Solution: Clean the non-return valves and check that they move freely or replace the non-return valve.

    The pressures of the water intakes are very high. / Solution: Check in the intakes that the pressure is between 1-5 bar (Recommended pressure 3 bar)

    Installation of the pipes is not correct and causes turbulence or vibration. / Solution: Check the installation.

    o High hot water temperature> 65º. / Solution: Check the supply temperature and regulate the temperature in the range 50ºC-60ºC.

    There is something that generates turbulence inside the tap. / Solution: Check that there are no remains of construction material in the tap. Otherwise, contact technical service, the tap must be replaced.

    The diverter has dirt particles or is broken / Solution: Disassemble the diverter and clean the rubber seals or replace the diverter.

    The rubber seal is deformed / Solution: Loosen the handle and reposition the rubber seal or replace it with a new one. If that doesn't work, try putting two of it.

    It drips constantly (more than an hour). It may happen that:

    - Frame damaged / Solution: Change or clean the frame.

    It drips a few minutes

    - The capillary of the nozzles is dirty with adhering lime. (It is not a breakdown, it is accumulated water in the shower head.) / Solution: Clean the shower head nozzles. If you want, you can slightly tilt the shower head to facilitate faster drainage.

    It drips constantly (more than an hour). It may happen that:

    - Frame damaged / Solution: Change or clean the frame.

    o It drips a few minutes

    - The capillary of the nozzles is dirty with adhering lime. (It is not a breakdown, it is accumulated water.) / Solution: Clean the nozzles. If you want, you can slightly tilt the handle to facilitate faster drainage.

    Your installation does not meet the foreseeable standard. / Solution: Acquire the column fixation kit that contains different measures for its adaptation.

    The eccentrics are not well aligned. / Solution: Correct the position of the eccentrics.

    The dimensions of the column have not been taken into account with regard to the installation. / Solution: Purchase the telescopic bar, adaptable to a wide range of measurements.

    The boiler does not have enough power (See requirements in the instructions). Check: lower the flow rate to 50% or less and wait a few minutes. Solution: Adapt the installation. As an alternative you can improve the functionality if you install a shower head with less flow or insert a flow limiting seal.

    The diverter has dirt particles or is broken / Solution: Remove the diverter and clean the rubber seals or replace the diverter.

    The rubber sealing is deformed / Solution: Release the handle and reposition the seal or replace it with a new one. If that doesn't work, try putting two of it

    It drips constantly (more than an hour). It may happen that:

    - Breakdown closing element / Solution: Change or clean the element.

    o It drips a few minutes

    - The capillary of the nozzles is dirty with adhering lime. (It is not a breakdown, it is water accumulated in the shower head.) / Solution: Clean the shower head nozzles. If you want, you can slightly tilt the shower head to facilitate faster drainage. It is not a breakdown

    It drips constantly (more than an hour). It may happen that:

    Breakdown closing element / Solution: Change or clean the element.

    It drips a few minutes:

    - The capillary of the nozzles is dirty with adhering lime. (It is not a bdreakdown, it is accumulated water that comes out.) / Solution: Clean the nozzles. If you want, you can slightly tilt the handle to facilitate faster drainage. It is not a breakdown

    It has been overtightened. / Solution: Loosen, reposition the rubber seal by tightening it, and check that it has not been damaged. Replace if necessary.

    The rubber seal is displaced. Solution: Loosen and reposition the rubber seal by tightening it.

    The seat of the bar and / or diverter are damaged / Solution: Replace damaged parts.

    The nut is loose / Solution: tighten the nut on your single lever

    The cartridge is damaged / Solution: Change the cartridge

    Single lever with aerator

    - The aerator is clogged / Solution: Change or clean the aerator.

    - The flexible hose is clogged / Solution: Change or clean the hoses.

    - Cast iron defect (only in the case of newly installed taps) / Contact technical service, the tap must be replaced.

    The nut is loose / Solution: Tighten the nut on your single lever.

    The cartridge is defective / Solution: Change the cartridge

    The rubber seals are broken / Solution: Replace the rubber seals.

    The hose is broken / Solution: Change the hose.

    The hose is loose / Solution: Tighten the hose

    Damaged hose/ Solution: Change the hose. (Evaluate if the spout has been deformed, in this case, also change the spout)

    The shower does not change between the two functions / Solution: Change the shower.

    The extensible hose does not come out. It is blocked / Solution: Check that it is correctly installed and that there is nothing to interfere with the movement.

    The extensible hose does not fit. It does not recover the position / Solution: Check that it is correctly installed and that there is nothing to interfere with the movement. Check that the weight is free of movement.

    Leak enters in the union of the extensible hose and the tap / Solution: Check that it is tight.. If not, replace the rubber seal or the flexible hose.

    Low flow: the membrane electrovalve is dirty and / or damaged. / Solution: Disassemble for cleaning. Replace if necessary.

    Normal flow: The electrovalve is blocked. / Solution: Remove the electrovalve and unlock the shaft. Replace if necessary.

    The red light on the sensor flashes constantly when the user's hands are near the sensor.
    Weak battery. / Solution: replace the battery.

    The red light on the sensor does not flashes when the user's hands are near the sensor.
    Inadequate stopping range. / Solution: Adjust the detection range.

    - Dead battery or no electrical connection / Solution: Check the connection. Replace the battery.

    - The unit is in “Security Mode” (if the sensor is active for a long time, the tap automatically closes the water) / Solution: Check that there is no obstacle or dirt on the sensor. If so, remove it to exit security mode.

    - The sensor is picking up reflections from a shiny object . / Solution: Eliminate the cause of the reflection.

    The red light on the sensor flashes once when the user's hands are near the sensor.

    - The electro valve is blocked. / Solution: disassemble the electrovalve and unlock the shaft. Replace if necessary.

    - The central hole in the membrane is damaged. / Solution: Disassemble for cleaning. Replace if necessary.

    - The pressure is high (> 8 bar) or has suffered a specific pressure rise. / Solution: Reduce supply pressure. If the problem persists, purge the tap to eliminate residual pressure. (press the non-return valve of the flexible hose)

    Filters are clogged. / Solution: Change or clean the filters.

    The aerator is clogged / Solution: Change or clean the aerator.

    The flexible hose is clogged/ Solution: Change or clean the hoses.

    Defect of cast iron (only in case of newly installed faucet) / Contact technical service, the faucet must be replaced.

    Inadequate flow regulation / Solution: Adjust the flow regulation according to the instructions.

    The aerator is clogged / Solution: Change or clean the aerator.

    The flexible hose is clogged / Solution: Change or clean the hoses.

    Defect of cast iron (only in case of newly installed faucet) / Contact technical service, the faucet must be replaced.

    The cartridge is broken / Solution: Change the cartridge.

    Dirt in the cartridge / Solution: Clean the cartridge. Follow the faucet maintenance instructions.

    Inadequate regulation / Solution: Adjust the time regulation according to the instructions.

    Dirty or deteriorated cartridge / Solution: Clean the cartridge. Follow the faucet maintenance instructions. Replace if necessary.

    The nozzles are dirty (lime build-up). / Solution: With the equipment on, run your finger over the silicone nozzles to remove the lime and / or immerse it in vinegar for 24 hours and rinse with water.

    Some nozzles are broken. / Solution: Replace the nozzles. Check available models.

    The flow limiter is clogged/ Solution: Disassemble for cleaning. Replace if necessary.

    The waterfall is dirty. / Solution: Clean with the special key provided.

    The flow of water has been reduced / Solution: Consult the question about abnormally low flow, in the corresponding tap model.

    The nebulizer is clogged / Solution: Disassemble for cleaning. If necessary replace

    The rubber seal is deformed / Solution: Loosen the handle and reposition the rubber seal or replace it with a new one. If that doesn't work, try putting two of it.

    It drips constantly (more than an hour). It may happen that:

    - Breakdown closing element / Solution: Change or clean the element.

    It drips a few minutes:

    - The capillary of the nozzles is dirty with adhering lime. (It is not a breakdown, it is water accumulated in the shower head.) / Solution: Clean the shower head nozzles. If you want, you can slightly tilt the showerhead to facilitate faster drainage. It is not a breakdown

    It drips constantly (more than an hour). It may happen that:

    - Breakdown closing element / Solution: Change or clean the element.

    It drips a few minutes:

    -The capillary of the nozzles is dirty with adhering lime. (It is not a breakdown, it is accumulated water.) / Solution: Clean the nozzles.

    If your tap is currently in the catalog:

    - See the reference on the web. Spare parts lists are available there.

    If your tap is old or you do not know the reference, contact us at info@rsramonsoler.com

    Ramonsoler-Projekte weltweit

    Entdecke die verschiedenen Armaturenprojekte, die wir durchgeführt haben.

    Hotel Ushuaia Tower

    Ibiza, Spain

    Hotel Hilton

    Bora Bora, Thaiti

    Nadia Bathroom Project

    Moscow, Russia

    Stade des Lumières

    Lyon, France

    Maison Paramount Tower 3

    Dubai, UAE

    Vertigo Lounge Luxury Restaurant Hornchurch

    London, United Kingdom

    Mercat Princesa Restaurant

    Barcelona, Spain

    Queen Mary II

    St. Nazaire, France

    Wine Cellar González Byass Tío Pepe

    Jerez de la Frontera, Spain.


    Dubai, UAE

    Square Business Bay

    Dubai, UAE

    Grand Palladium White Island Resort & Spa

    Ibiza, Spain

    Almasa Towers

    El Alamein, Egypt

    C Central Resort the Palm Jumeirah 5*

    Dubai, UAE

    Private House by Sena Interior Design

    Warschaw, Poland

    Gran Via Marina Complex

    Constanta, Romania

    Marriot los sueños

    Costa Rica, Mexico

    Gardenia 257 Townhomes Villas

    Dubai, UAE

    Rezidential Orhideelor 4

    Chiajna, Romania

    Lacul Morii Residential

    Bucharest, Romania

    Splaiul Independentei Residential Complex

    Bucharest, Romania

    Benicàssim Apartments

    Comunidad Valenciana, Spain

    Lyon Cité Internationale

    Lyon, France

    Doña Elsie

    Santa Ana (San José), Costa Rica

    Natura Viva Residences

    San José, Costa Rica

    Elite Towers Residence

    Dubai, UAE

    Business Bay Executive Towers

    Dubai, UAE

    Shorooq & Ghoroob Mirdif

    Dubai, UAE

    Jumeirah Park Villas

    Dubai, UAE

    Arabella Townhouses in Mudon

    Dubai, UAE

    Red Residence

    Dubai, UAE

    Dubailand Residential Tower

    Dubai, UAE

    PPP Projects at Al Madina Al Shamalia

    Bahrain, Middle East

    Al Ramli Housing Projects (1265 u.)

    Salmabad, Bahrain

    Deerat Al Oyoun (Mazaya) Diyar Al Muharraq

    Bahrain, Middle East

    ASGC TOWER Dubailand

    Dubai, UAE

    Serena Project by Dubai Properties

    Dubai, UAE

    Vida Residence, Downtown Dubai by Emaar

    Dubai, UAE

    Beccar Plaza

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Quartier Nordelta

    Nordelta, Argentina

    Olivos Eco Residential

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Ciudad Ribera Residential

    Rosario (Santa Fe), Argentina

    Lumiere Palermo Residential

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Wave Libertador Residential

    Olivos (Buenos Aires), Argentina

    Vila Vela Residential

    Nuevo Delta (Tigre), Argentina

    Liberty Belgrano Residential

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Villa Angela

    Posadas, Argentine

    Ribera Nordelta

    Nordelta, Argentina

    Lux Tower

    Punta del Este, Uruguay

    Torres Barcelona Residential

    Punta del Este, Uruguay

    Lunas de Malvin Residential

    Montevideo, Uruguay

    Terra Viva Bosque Real

    Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico


    Heredia, Costa Rica

    Salinas de Mar Residential

    Viña del Mar, Chile

    Luis Bascuñan Residential

    La Dehesa, Chille

    Phorma Building

    Lima, Peru

    Kirebe Project

    Santa Ana (San José), Costa Rica

    8 Private Villas by Saleh Al Kameshki

    Manama, Bahrain

    Estiba Twer - 22 storey building

    Bahrain, Middle East

    Weston Tower - 15 Storey Building

    Bahrain, Middle East

    Al-Ula Housing by Ministry of Housing

    Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia

    Tayma, Saudi Arabia

    Bloom Towers

    Dubai, UAE

    Merano Tower

    Dubai, UAE

    Mudon CASA VIVA Fase 3

    Dubai, UAE

    Serena Community Centre

    Dubai, UAE

    Cuatrecasas Headquarters

    Barcelona, Spain

    Nestle Spain

    Barcelona, Spain

    Diagonal 640 Building

    Barcelona, Spain

    Bawabat Alsharq Mall

    Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Daleel Petroleum Headquarters

    Muscat, Oman

    City Center Mall

    Ajman, UAB

    Dalma Mall

    Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Standard Chartered Bank Tower

    Dubai, UAE

    National Bank of Fujairah

    Fujairah, UAE

    Porsche and Audi Showrooms


    Warehouse & Showroom Suhail Bahwan Group

    Muscat, Oman

    Seef Mall West Expansion

    Seef District (Manama), Bahrain

    Manateq Zona Franca Headquarters

    Doha, Qatar

    Dubai South Mall

    Dubai, UAE

    Waldorf Astoria

    Dubai, UAE

    Hard Rock Cafe

    Ibiza, Spain

    Hotel 2122

    Punta del Este

    Golden Tulip Carthage Hotel

    Carthage, Tunisia

    Novum by the Sea

    Olimp, Romania

    Hard Rock Hotel

    Ibiza, Spain

    Waldorf Astoria (Habtoor Island Resort & Spa)

    The Palm Jumeirah, Dubai, UAE

    Tahiti Nui

    Tahiti, French Polynesia

    Manava Beach Resort & Spa Moorea

    Tahiti, French Polynesia

    Bora Bora Hilton

    Tahiti, French Polynesia

    Hotel Kia Ora Resort & Spa

    Tahiti, French Polynesia

    Intercontinental Bora Bora

    Papua, Indonesia

    Sofitel Kia Ora Moorea Beach Resort

    Tahiti, French Polynesia

    Legends Resort Moorea

    Tahiti, French Polynesia

    Hilton Alexandria Hotel

    Alexandria, Egypt

    The Cove Rotana Resort

    Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

    Brisas Galeria Plaza Irapuato Hotel

    Irapuato, Mexico

    Montarto Hotel

    Baqueira-Beret (Vall d Aran), Spain

    Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel

    Ibiza, Spain

    Broquetas Spa

    Caldes de Montbui (Barcelona), Spain

    Alba Seleqtta Hotel

    Lloret de Mar (Girona), Spain

    Soho House Garraf

    Garraf (Barcelona), Spain

    Gran Palladium Costa Mujeres

    Riviera Maya, Mexico

    Golden Bahia de Tossa Hotel & SPA

    Tossa de Mar, (Girona), Spain

    Golden Port Salou Hotel & SPA

    Salou, (Tarragona), España

    Golden Donaire Beach Hotel

    Salou (Tarragona), España

    Gran Medinaceli Hotel

    Barcelona, Spain

    Pedro I de Aragón Hotel

    Huesca, Spain

    Albarracín Hotel

    Teruel, Spain

    Room Mate Hotels Emma

    Barcelona, Spain

    Colonial Hotel

    Barcelona, Spain

    Sheraton Airport Hotel & Conference Center

    Frankfurt, Germany

    B&B Hotels France


    Hôtel l’Adresse

    Paris, France

    Hotel del Mar

    Barcelona, Spain

    Hotel Ciutadella

    Barcelona, Spain

    Sidorme Hotel

    Viladecans (Barcelona), Spain

    Vincci Hotel Malaga

    Malaga (Andalusia), Spain

    Ilunion Barcelona Hotel

    Barcelona, Spain

    Candido Hotel (Hotusa Segovia)

    Segovia, Spain

    El Palace Barcelona Hotel

    Barcelona, Spain

    Hilton Cairo Hotel

    Cairo, Egypt

    Abadía de los Templarios Hotel

    La Alberca (Salamanca), Spain

    Mediterraneo Park Hotel

    Roses (Girona), Spain

    Linsberg Asia Hotel & Spa

    Bad Erlach, Austria

    Medium Prisma Hotel

    Barcelona, Spain

    Virgen de los Reyes Hotel

    Seville (Andalusia), Spain

    Ramada Hotel

    Dubai, UAE

    Dhow Palace Hotel

    Dubai, UAE

    Arjaan Rotana Hotel, Media City

    Dubai, UAE

    Albatros Hotel

    Usuhaia, Argentina

    Atlantico Hotel

    Punta del Este, Uruguay

    2122 Hotel Art Design

    Punta del Este, Uruguay

    Costa Colonia Hotel

    Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay

    Real Colonia Hotel & Suites

    Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay

    Radissun Blu

    Heliopolis (Cairo), Egypt

    Hotel See Park Janseen

    Geldern, Germany

    Kubb Sevilla Hotel

    Seville (Andalusia), Spain

    Aleu Universitary Residence

    Barcelona, Spain

    School Wadi Kabir

    Muscat, Oman

    Lycée Hôtelier

    Paris, France

    Merica Student Residence

    Merida, Spain

    Al Ghurair University

    Dubai, UAE

    Al Diyafah International School

    Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Girona Medical Clinic

    Girona, Spain

    Corniche Hospital Extension

    Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Naid Al Hamar Health Centre

    Dubai, UAE

    Al Mizhar Health Centre

    Dubai, UAE

    Algarve Hospital

    Algarve, Portugal

    Quiron Hospital

    Marbella (Andalusia), Spain

    Ministry of Housing at several locations

    Bahrain, Middle East

    Jerez Airport

    Jerez de la Frontera, Spain.

    Assembly of Extremadura

    Mérida (Extremadura), Spain

    Oman Cricket Academy

    Muscat, Oman

    Palau de la Generalitat de Catalunya

    Barcelona, Spain

    Police Headquarters

    Dubai, UAE

    Masdar Headquarters

    Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Civil Aviation HQ Building

    Muscat, Oman

    Sultan Qaboos Youth Complex for Culture and Recreation

    Salalah, Oman

    Baushar Stadium

    Salalah, Oman

    Sultan Qaboos Mosque

    Jalan Oman,

    Public Prosecutor’s Office

    Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Neuigkeiten und Kataloge

    Die neuesten Nachrichten über Ramonsoler, neue Kataloge und Produkte.

    The Red Dot Design Award 2022

    Urban Chic receives international recognition for...

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    Ramon Soler® taps with color finishes

    The most complete and sophisticated collections in brushed gold, brushed nickel, and matte black

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    Concealed single-lever Blautherm

    Comes in matte black finish the most...

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    Urban Chic by Ramon Soler® leads innovation and design

    The faucet collection was awarded the prize German Design Award 2022

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    Urban Chic Colors by Ramon Soler®

    The exclusive collection of taps surrenders to color finishes

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    Magnet Kitchen by Ramon Soler®

    The kitchen mixer awarded with iF DESIGN AWARD 2021

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    RC by Ramon Soler®

    An amazing waterfall over your body

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    Blautherm shower columns

    Matte black, the latest trend finish with...

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    You can increase the life of the chrome with the Ramon Soler SACRIFICIAL ANODE

    The Sacrificial anode is the latest Ramon Soler® patent. It triples the protection against external corrosion in the chrome plating of the faucets and shower sets. With this patent they are able to protect the faucet surfaces from corrosion, keeping the chrome plating with a radiant shine.

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    “Takes the gold” by Ramon Soler®

    The sophistication of the brushed gold finish in the Alexia and Tzar collections by Ramon Soler®

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    Conceled thermostatic shower set

    Blautherm set in matte black finish.

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    Ramon Soler® joins the BIM revolution

    Modeling a large part of its products in BIM format.

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    New kitchen sink with satin copper finish by Ramon Soler®

    Setting trends in the kitchen is possible with this faucet with avant-garde aesthetics, pure lines, and organic shapes, dressed in a copper finish that does not go unnoticed.

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    Matt black Concealed single-lever of Alexia Collection by Ramon Soler®

    Minimalist Elegance

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    Ramon Soler® certified by EcoVadis

    Ramon Soler® obtains the 2020 bronze medal in recognition of his achievements in Corporate Social Responsibility

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    Surrounding Pleasure by Ramon Soler®

    We enjoy water in full color to stimulate our senses.

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    Electronic faucet Soltronic 8102 by Ramon Soler® Safety and hygiene

    The key taps to help combat the health emergency by Covid19

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    The healthiest faucet from Ramon Soler®

    Technology and accessibility within everyone's reach

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    Colección Urban Chic by Ramon Soler®

    Winner of iF DESIGN AWARD 2020...

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    New Fly by Ramon Soler®

    Design faucet

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    Thermostatic shower column Blautherm Premium in black matt finished by Ramon Soler ®

    Elegance and technology at your fingertips

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    New removable kitchen sink with a magnet system by Ramon Soler®

    An industrial and avant-garde kitchen sink, with 360º rotating high and removable spout with the most innovative magnet system.

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    3 de 20

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    Adagietto de ramonsoler®

    Adagio expresa su aire más minimalista y simétrico con su versión Adagietto.

    Adagietto de ramonsoler®

    Adagio expresa su aire más minimalista y simétrico con su versión Adagietto.

    Adagietto de ramonsoler®

    Adagio expresa su aire más minimalista y simétrico con su versión Adagietto.

    3 de 20

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